Magic City Equality is extremely disappointed at the North Dakota House of Representatives, who voted to override Governor Burgum's veto of HB1298, a bill that sought to prohibit transgender youth from participating in sports.
The House voted today (April 22), 68-25, to override the veto. A two-third vote of the House was needed.
Thank you to Rep. Mary Adams (D), Rep. Pamela Anderson (D), Rep. Mike Beltz (R), Rep. Tracy Boe (D), Rep. Josh Boschee (D), Rep. Ruth Buffalo (D), Rep. Gretchen Dobervich (D), Rep. Ron Guggisberg (D), Rep. LaurieBeth Hager (D), Rep. Jared Hagert (R), Rep. Karla Rose Hanson (D), Rep. Zachary Ista (D), Rep. Mary Johnson (R), Rep. George Keiser (R), Rep. Bob Martinson (R), Rep. Alisa Mitskog (D), Rep. Corey Mock (D), Rep. Jon Nelson (R), Rep. Marvin Nelson (D), Rep. Emily O'Brien (R), Rep. Shannon Roers Jones (R), Rep. Mark Sanford (R), Rep. Mary Schneider (D), Rep. Cynthia Schreiber-Beck (R), and Rep. Greg Westlind (R) for voting to NOT override the veto.
The North Dakota Senate is set to vote on the same issue this afternoon.
To let your legislators know how you feel about overriding Burgum's veto of HB1298, please click here to send them a message.