Become a Friend of Magic City Equality
Why should you become a Friend of Magic City Equality?
During times like these, it is important to identify allies of the LGBTQ2S+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questiononing, Two Spirit) community. Being a Friend of Magic City Equality helps to single out individuals, businesses and organizations who fit that bill. Magic City Equality could not operate without donations made by members of the community, and more importantly, our friends and allies.
What can I donate to?
There are several different facets of Magic City Equality where donations can go to. To learn more about these, read below.

Y.O.U. (Youth Outreach and Upreach)
This peer support group is designed for LGBTQ2S+ youth who are 20 years of age and younger. ​
This peer support group is aimed at local and regional members of the transgender, nonbinary and gender non-conforming communities.
Scholarships and Grants
Generation Equality Scholarship
This scholarship is designed for LGBTQ2S+ students who plan on attending college, university or a trade school.
Joker & Lisa Laducer Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is designed for LGBTQ2S+ students who wish to go on to secondary education with the purpose of pursuing a career in education.
Asher Hoffarth Grant
This grant is designed to help members of the transgender community to assist with transition-related costs.
James Lowe AIFD Memorial Grant
This grant is designed to help members of the LGBTQ2S+ community who are affected by cancer. This can include helping to defray transportation or treatment costs or any other financial burdens caused.